
United we stand.

Thursday, April 04, 2013


This is Nicky - He has EB-Epidermolysis Bullosa, the worst disease you never heard of, in this rare skin disorder the pateint's skin blisters if come incontact with others skin. Such pateints has increased risk of skin cancers. Reseaches are underway. i pray for this boy and salute his parents for being courageous because without them this boy would not had survived.
Nicky's parents are an example for us. Problems are part of life, we should not run away from our problems , infact we should fight with great courage.... if anyone in Pakistan knows any such pateint then please encourage them to take care of the patient and search on the internet and consult specialized doctors. this skin disorder will surely have any cure ....
I request everyone to share this picture and educate about this skin disorder to their family. Remember more shares will spread more awareness and more awareness will result in more research and ultimately any cure will soon be discovered .. INSHAALLAH

Saman Afaq

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