
United we stand.

Monday, April 15, 2013


I don't know what to write about him. I don't know how to appreciate him. I have no words to express my thoughts about him. As he is a man of words, man of justice and man of devotion. He is Chief Justice of Pakistan "Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. " 

If I look into the Pakistan's current scenario, I feel disappointment, as there is nothing good in the entire country. Only three words exist i.e corruption corruption and corruption. From higher level to lower level, almost everyone is corrupted and greed to earn money even at the cost of beloved country.

What ever you want to say that either it is a blessing of ALLAH or some of our good deeds that man of Justice is in power among black sheep.

Throughout the different controversies in his life he never politicize himself. He is unbiased and follow his principle.He is successfully handling the major corruption cases like steal mill, Rental Power Project case, NRO case, Swiss bank and also dealing with those who are behind the missing people of Balochistan. His decision to leave the Arsalan case (his son) is highly appreciated. 

The sue motu action in different issue is also acknowledgeable.

He shows his high values that he never take revenge to his opponent. As Gen(r) Musharaf and 12th May activist are in Pakistan but he doesn't take action unless the petition was filed. He wants to serve the country rather to himself.He is the only ray of light we can see in this political and social scenario. He sometime reminds the reign of Khulfa-e-Rashideen when justice ruled.

We need more Justice Iftikhar to run Pakistan in a prosperous path.




1 comment:

  1. from few years people started loosing faith on our judiciary and now CJ bought a new beam of light in the darkness .. now it seems like justice could be made in this corrupt system.. but unfortunately this is the last year of Iftekhar M.Chaudhary's services.. may we have more like him in our judicial system.
