
United we stand.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

"Be hApPY TiLL fOReVeR"

 If someone asks you to tell your happiest moment of life,an unconscious shine occurs on your face,your heart beats raises with excitement and a mysterious  joy occur in your face.You forget all your life's fears,worries,doubts and you give yourself a permission feel like happy.
Yes! this is a little magic of the human's emotion 'HAPPINESS' 
which brings the cherishes colors in your life and make it more beautiful.

When I ask myself, what is happiness?? The answer which strikes my mind is, It is like a magical therapy which release out all the worries,depression,tension and sadness to our lives, with its different tools through laughter,any joy or either by a simple smile.It pushes us to forget all of our sorrow and grief.

If you want to feel every moment of happiness completely then you must focus on it and concentrate on the beauty of  it instead of thinking something bad between this moment.It keeps you positive towards the world.
Everybody makes mistakes in recognising their real happiness.They find it in different life's wants and many time in peoples but the fact is these all are gives only temporary.If you want the real one then tie your life with a prospective goal,not to people or things.
It also found in ourselves in the feeling of satisfactions.When you are satisfied with the things happening in your life you can automatically get a happy life.That's  what we called it the keys of happiness,so don't find the happiness in any such temporary things.Find it in your inner self and satisfy with the life which ALLAH have blessed you.
Be grateful to your Almighty who bestow you a much pretty life then many others.

'Sukar' (gratitude/gratefulness) is the only way of spending a happy and prosperous life,and can also give you the real joy.

           "May Allah bless us with the true happiness in our life".


  1. Ameen :)
    feeling and living happy in dis depress world, i think its a real art of life :)
