
United we stand.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

The buried Sun.


When I was 4 years old, I had a happy life with my heroic,handsome and loving father and a lovely mother. I was the only child so, i was special to both of them. We lived in USA, Chicago. My Father was Pakistani and mother was an Indian but I was never taught about the difference in these two  states. 

Everything was amazing. i was so happy. when i turned 10 (ten), I had a Big birthday party. All my friends were invited. It was a happiest day of my life. I got Many boxes wrapped with shinny colorful gift wraps, it raised my excitement.

After a Big celebration it was time to go back home as it was too late. It was a special day so my dad promised me that I'll be allowed to unwrap half of my gifts right after we reach home, rest of them will be a surprise for me til morning. My Father was placing my presents in the trunk of the car and i was helping him to carry the presents to the parking area. Mother was with her friends having bye bye chat. I handover my presents n turned back to take the remaining presents. Suddenly I heard a Boom sound. An intense fear occurred in me when I turned back, it was my father lying on the road side, covered with blood. i Screamed with terror "Papa!!". I ran after him but my uncle grabbed me and said,"Don't panic, Don't panic, your papa will be alright." Carried me to his car on the opposite side of the road. I was crying too loud but my uncle told me to calm down and be a strong girl while i saw my relatives picking my father up. The ambulance arrived in no time. I saw my mum crying.. Her friends stood beside her. 

I was taken to my aunt's house for the night. I felt so uncomfortable staying to her house with out any of my parent. I kept requesting to take me to my father but all i heard was the same answer: "Your father and mother will be home soon, pray for good for him and sleep, we'll take you to your in the morning." It was not an answer i wanted to hear. I was so scared to loose my papa. I prayed with wet eyes, looking out of the window. It was a dark with a full moon lighting through clouds. I wondered I was thinking tonight was a happiest day of my life ,"Not at all." i murmured to myself, i had no idea this was going to happen. But I cleared myself that I'll meet father and mother in the morning and it was so far enough for me to relax n sleep. 

At around  8 am I got up and was asked to leave my bed to go to my house to change my clothes. I was happy that I'm gonna meet papa today. . .  I changed my dress, styled my hair and got into my aunt's car. I asked her, "Am i gonna meet papa today?" aunt did not reply to my question. I asked "How is papa?" she replied, "everyone is fine. I want u to relax." when car stopped i saw it was a grave yard. I got out of the car and looked around to see a hospital. My mum was stepping forward. She looked at me brsuhed my hair with her fingers and Said, "Your papa loves you, he says you're a big girl now. He wants you to be happy and not to cry." I was puzzled. did not know what to say,what to think. Then my mum took my hand and walked into the grave yard. I saw my father lying... rest i can not define. I felt so lonely, so upset, cursed. It was the most terrifying nightmare i ever had in my life. I wanted to scream out loud to get out of this nightmare. Sadly i couldn't .

I got into depression for years. Showed poor grades. Had no fun in the neighborhood, school.. But as time passed my griefs, scars,depression faded away. I tried To pray for my father whenever i missed him and this praying made me strong. Closer to God, closer to the fact that every one have to leave this world.

By Sundus Haroon.


  1. Good work girl

  2. amazing Sundus you're very talented

  3. gr8 sundus...selection of words for express feeling is good...well done

  4. very expressive, nice selection of words, it made me love and respect my parents more.. becuase we always take our parents for granted and regret when they left us in this world all alone...

    1. Parents are the precious gift of God. If the youth understand the value of their parents then they will not face the feeling of regretion in future. LOVE AND RESPECT YOUR PARENTS

  5. thank you so much for the appreciation readers :)

  6. good work sundus. nice story

  7. Cool !!! Sundus

  8. I realy feel sad fo girl. her father suddenly gone away. i felt every word of this story. great work
