
United we stand.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

United we stand.

"Where there is unity there is always victory."
                                                                                                 Publilius Syrus 

 We are always been taught the word "unity" , we've wrote essays on it but never really realised what it means. I've noticed that people wish to be united when they are ruling and they want a change but when we ask back to be united for something they never be with us.

 But being left alone should not affect you, your will power to take a stand.By the time you get focused to your goal and take steps gradually, that makes you strong and courageous. You face many problems but as you turn to look back your side you see people who are with you. This makes you feel you are no longer alone.

The unity of people makes an invincible strong nation. This is the reason Islam lays great stress on the importance of unity.The absence of unity brings and breeds disruption, devastation and disputes.Division and lack of unity always ends in disaster. In the same way differences among brothers ruin the family.

Everybody knowns perfectly well that one thread is easily broken and when threads are united into a rope, they cannot be broken easily.It is correct to say that we cannot face our enemy single handed as successfully as we can when we are united and are the members of a group or an association for example-the workers association, the clerks association and the motor drivers association etc.

Unity is essential to maintain peace in the world. Unity helps to avert wars. We must also live in accord with the environment. The thought that "I am a human, all humans are my brothers and sisters" symbolizes unity. Thus knowing the power of unity, all of us should stay together. If and when misunderstanding arises it must be talked out without beating around the bush. 
Thus unity means "all for one, and one for all"

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