
United we stand.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Place with multiple emotions.

 Multiple emotions are always the weirdest. Have you ever been both happy and sad?    Dye, James

 The world is full of happiness and sorrows, regrets and satisfactions. People cry one day and smile the other day. It's a principle of this world. 

 Do You Know there's a place which actually deals with these emotions everyday. Where these emotions are so common. Where people cry of parting, where people smile wide to reunite after so long. If one man is upset other man must be smiling with joy. Where people hope for better ahead, where we look forward for new life, where we take new steps to reach our destiny, where we think of past; good times. On the other hand where people regret for something, where people misses the good times passed, where people shed tears to tell someone how much they love them.

 No doubt its an amazing place within the world. People Experiences many phases of life, People learns many things. It's a place where we still have hope to change our future and over come our pasts. This magical place is an "Airport."

 Airport is basically defined as a complex runway of landing and taking off of aircraft carrying passengers but to me its a place with thoughts and emotions. It's a place of realising love and life. As soon as you step into an Ariport, a whole new chapter begins.

Miss Sundus Haroon.


  1. finally Miss Sundus :)
    u always bring a new side of the picture :)

  2. Sundus i hated all airport around the world after reading this i find out that ( there is a bright side for every thing ) thank you :D

  3. The feeling of going aboard and especially coming back home cant be explained in words. Beautifully written! and exactly, a whole new chapter begins when you step into an Airport :)
